Monday, April 18, 2011

Knitting Rules !

That's the name of the book I received a few days ago.

If you want a good laugh, if you want some good advice and if you want some inspiration and motivation, then you must read this book by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. There are no patterns as such in this book but a wealth of 'recipes' and information on making just about every basic item of clothing you'd want to make. Stephanie has an amazing sense of humour which really shows through in her writing. I loved this snippet in the glossary ..

"UFO (unfinished object), A project that's incomplete, and proud of it. A UFO is seldom found alone but instead roams the knitter's home in packs. The discovery of one UFO should be regarded as a warning sign that there are many, many more. There are reports of mythic "one thing-at-a-time"knitters but these are only anecdotal. A thorough search usually reveals several objects the knitter abandoned and consequently banished from memory" ..

sound familiar ?

Not a lot of crochet being done here at the moment - just another mile-a-minute strip to be made into a blanket for Sydney Homeless Connect day which is being supported for Knit4Charities. I'm also working on a baby's blanket for one of my DD's work colleagues and when I'm feeling really brave, I do a few more rounds on a slouch hat I'm knitting and getting fearfully close to when I'll need to transfer from the circs to the scary dpn's ----- my first attempt at anything on such beasts. If it works out ok it will certainly become a ta-dah post. Wish me luck.


  1. How true the statement is.. many ufo's club together in my craft room LOL..
    The mile a minute blanket sounds interesting what colours are you using .. we need a pic :))
    All the best with your knitting :))

  2. That book sounds fun.. thanks for suggesting it! Bravo for you doing the charity work!!

    Hugs from Oregon, USA -- Teresa :-)

  3. I love all of Stephanie's books - the first one I found was "At Knit's End" and I've given several copies of that as presents to knitting friends.
    Now don't keel over Ms Dorothy but there has been actual crochet happening chez moi ... will blog soon. Promise!


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