Thursday, August 23, 2012

The need to knit

I've been in a bit of a slump this last week or so and really didn't know what I wanted to make. At one stage I had an urge to knit and have ended up with one bootee (yes, the single 'sock' syndrome) and one mitten which I think might be a bit small so it will also remain 'single'.  You'll see a glimpse of the mitten in this pic of some squares that I managed to make for one of the charities I support.

I still have that urge to knit something and because I enjoy quick and easy projects, will probably end up making a hat as they're always useful as donations.  These two crochet ones are also on this week's FO list.

The one on my model is done in double 8ply on a 6.00mm hook - because of the post stitches, its quite chunky so should be very warm.

Had lunch with my friend L earlier this week. She is having a birthday on Saturday so I put together a gift bag full of 'girly' things including some gorgeous Canterbury Rose products. I edged this washer to go with them. Happy birthday my good friend.

Another blast from the past to finish this post.  Our first Pug litter - born in the early '80s.  (One of my hobbies around that time was basket making LOL)

Thanks for visiting.


  1. I'm a basket maker too, yours is excellent -- and those adorable pugs! Do you still have any? It's nice to see your projects! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Look at those cute little baby pugs! SO CUTE!! What could be cuter than a basket full of puppies?

  3. a woman with a hook and no pattern,
    makes one most frustrated woman...I know just where you are right now...I don't much like that feeling, you want to create something, but what? It will come to you, I hope you find just what your lookning for...:)

  4. Lovely work, Dorothy. The little flower beanie is so cute. And when in doubt a hat always comes in handy and there are always charities that need them.
    I'm in love with top-down, seamless baby knits for my cure-all :-)

  5. Never got around to making a cane basket..
    but I must say your basket full of puppies is lovely :))
    Lovely work as always Dorothy and I love the hat with the flower :))
    Have a great and warm weekend :))

  6. Oh no not the dreaded single sock syndrome, I have one that has been waiting for a partner for over a year now!


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